Our Vision
To transform Manchester into a place of peaceful and holistic living
Our Mission
To reduce domestic violence, promote better parenting, reduce school drop-out rates, support uniformed youth groups, reduce levels of Child abuse in Manchester and promote income-generating projects in the targeted communities
Our Goals
Our Journey
The idea of Manchester Peace Coalition began with the visit of the founder/President of the IIPT Dr. Louis D’Amore to Mandeville in 2013…
- Emphasizing the roles of fathers
- Reducing the occurences of child and spousal abuse
- Increasing the literacy rate of our children
Childhood trauma and low levels of literacy are two of the major building blocks of a criminal mind.
O.W. Johnson

Our Projects

Violence Interruption
Manchester was once lauded as one of the most peaceful places in the Caribbean; not any more… Help us to return our beloved parish to it’s days of glory. Join today, or learn how you can contribute to our efforts.