Your Help Can Save Lives

Building Peaceful Communities; Transforming Lives

Our Vision

To transform Manchester into a place of peaceful and holistic living

Our Mission

To reduce domestic violence, promote better parenting, reduce school drop-out rates, support uniformed youth groups, reduce levels of Child abuse in Manchester and promote income-generating projects in the targeted communities

Our Goals

To Promote Volunteerism

To Build Stronger Families

Create Stronger Communities

Provide Guidance To Our Youth

Assist Those In Need

Provide Social Activities

Our Journey

The idea of Manchester Peace Coalition began with the visit of the founder/President of the IIPT Dr. Louis D’Amore to Mandeville in 2013…

Childhood trauma and low levels of literacy are two of the major building blocks of a criminal mind.

O.W. Johnson


Our Projects

Violence Interrupters

Trees That Feed

Father's Day Initiative

PCs/Laptops & Tablets

Drumming For Peace

Horticultural Showground



Spread the word about our program. Even a small donation will make a huge difference.



We are ready to work with any individual or organization to better Manchester

Violence Interruption

Manchester was once lauded as one of the most peaceful places in the Caribbean; not any more… Help us to return our beloved parish to it’s days of glory.  Join today, or learn how you can contribute to our efforts.