Projects & Programs

Together we can change our parish. Find out more about our programs.

1st February

Peace Gala

MPCo’s inaugural gala event.  Fine dining, superb music, special guests. Proceeds in aid of worthy causes.

xxth Month

Upcoming Event

Information n upcoming event; nature of event, partners, beneficiaries.

xth Month

Upcoming Event

Information n upcoming event; nature of event, partners, beneficiaries.

Our Projects

MPCo has several ongoing and upcoming projects, all geared toward the betterment of Manchester and it’s residents.

Peace Drumming

Violence Interrupters

Horticultural Showgrounds

Your help is greatly appreciated & needed; cash or kind.


Monetary donations can either be deposited in our account, or hand delivered specified persons.


Canned goods, rice, flour, sugar, etc. are items that a lot take for granted, but needed by most...


There are citizens of all ages, sex and sizes who are badly in need of good clothes; used? no problem.


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Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Change The World!